

Vocational ministry begins with a personal sense that God is indeed calling you to be set apart for ministry within and to the body of Christ. This calling must be tested and authenticated by the larger church. When the church affirms this calling it offers the appropriate credential which endorses you to serve and lead within the various roles of ministry.

The credentialing and endorsement process is crucial in creating a healthy context for ministry. This process makes the pastor accountable to the local church and denomination as well as to the community of pastors in the Covenant Ministerium.

The Evangelical Covenant Church (ECC) grants or revokes credentials to ministers and establishes programs to encourage ministers in discipleship and in their calling. The ECC establishes the Rules for the Ordered Ministry and administers them through the Board of the Ordered Ministry and the Covenant Ministerium.

Credentialing in the Covenant begins at the conference level. If you feel ready to begin the process, please contact your regional conference office. The Covenant grants several different types of credentials. Some are permanent credentials and some are annually renewable credentials (licenses).