News Releases

Wenrich: Crisis a Time for Faith, Wisdom, and Compassion

Dear Covenant friends,

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we continue to live into our call as sisters and brothers in Christ to be light shining in the darkness. I know that as we seek to be the body of Christ as the Covenant Church, we are all facing difficult decisions about communal gatherings and how to best continue caring for the people in our communities.

While we recognize that every context is different, please follow the recommendations of your local health and civic officials. We recognize the expertise of public health professionals, and we respond with practical wisdom, not panic.

One of our Covenant values is to practice solidarity with those who are suffering, and today that means speaking up for members of our faith families and larger communities. Please join me in interceding for those who are sick, and for anyone on the margins during this vulnerable time. And we continue to pray for our global neighbors, especially populations who are experiencing high numbers of fatalities, as well as Covenant global personnel serving throughout the world.

In addition, I urge us as Covenanters to speak out against any xenophobia and racism that surfaces in the midst of this crisis.

In the face of fear, we remember that we are people of faith, hope, and love. Our help and trust are in the good Creator of heaven and earth. May we continue to demonstrate the compassion, mercy, and justice of Christ.

For an excellent set of resources, I encourage you to visit the website of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College, a longstanding ministry partner with Covenant entities. They offer valuable resources, including a free downloadable manual with steps for how churches can respond to this crisis. HDI is also hosting free webinars each Friday with updated information. In addition, Ministry Grid offers excellent free training and resources for how to prepare your church for COVID-19. And stay tuned to for updates from the ECC.

Please know that the staff at Covenant Offices and I are praying for God’s peace and healing love for our world today.