Ministry Development



Love Mercy Do Justice works alongside local congregations and regional conferences to initiate and cultivate ministry that engages communities on the margins of larger society. We are eager to help your congregation/organization imagine creative approaches to transformational community development work in areas such as social enterprise, returning citizen re-entry, affordable housing, living wage employment, and a wide array of other targeted and impactful initiatives.

What We Do

For churches engaging in community development, we offer support in the process of discerning vision, strategic planning, and best practice development. We provide tools and resources to help your church vision toward ministry that will be transformative in your community:

  • Prayer and visioning retreats
  • Biblical and theological foundations of Community Development Seminars
  • Missional mapping
  • High-level strategic planning
  • Demographic analysis resources
  • Asset mapping
  • Incarnational presence
  • Non-profit formation and development
  • MissionInSite empowers churches and nonprofits with analytics and demographics to cultivate donors and prospects and the community at large. The ECC is an MIS affiliated organization, making their resources more accessible to Covenant churches.


Part of our mission as the Evangelical Covenant Church is to join God in making things right in our broken world. LMDJ Ministry Development Grants are available for Covenant churches that are responding to the needs of their community. These grants are used to help strengthen and transform individuals, families, and communities. They help Covenant churches answer the call to make a difference in their local community outside the walls of the church. Your generous giving makes this transformation possible and brings shalom to communities where Covenant churches serve.



Applications will be accepted from April 1 – 30

Documentation Needed for This Application

  • A Detailed & Itemized Project Budget

Documents Necessary to Review Before Starting



Primary Contact

Celeste Cecchi
Love Mercy Do Justice