A Ministry of Make and Deepen Disciples

Embrace Webinar #10 -Branden S. Polk

Race, Sexuality, and Intersectionality

On March 13th, we spoke with Branden S. Polk and dialogued around the questions of: What is the experience of people of color in the LGBT+ community? What are some of the unique points of struggle for LGBT+ ethnic minorities who also adhere to historic, Christian teaching about marriage and sexuality? How can our cultural backgrounds also be a source of empowerment?

Reframed Blog

Visit the Website: Reframed Blog

Behind the Seen Podcast with Branden Polk and Mark Bauer

Behind the Seen is a weekly conversation dedicated to uncovering our biases and how to navigate them in a constructive way.

View the Podcast

Arrowhead Advising

Branden Polk is founder and CEO of Arrowhead Advising. Arrowhead Advising is a counseling, coaching, and consulting experts who believe that with the right support you, your business, or organization can make a real difference in the world. We help you maximize your potential, leading you through a thought-provoking and creative process that honors you as the expert in your life and work. We believe that the truest you is creative, resourceful, and destined for world-changing significance. And we’re here to help.

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Revoice 2019 Conference: June 5-8 in St. Louis, MO 

Supporting and encouraging gay, lesbian, bisexual, other same-sex attracted Christians, and those who love them so they can be empowered to live together in unity while observing historic Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality.

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Branden S. Polk
Branden S. Polk is the CEO and founder of Arrowhead Advising, LLC. Branden has dedicated his life to advocacy for the most vulnerable, the developing of transformational leaders, and changing the way society addresses today’s most sensitive topics such as race, sexuality, criminal justice, education, faith, and more. Before founding Arrowhead Advising, Branden served with a community-based nonprofit organization that provided behavioral health services to underserved children, adolescents, and families. He has also engaged with organizations such as the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Harvard University, the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission, and the Clapham Group. Branden is a graduate of George Mason University where he received his master’s degree in social work. During that time, he became an ordained minister and founded a professional and spiritual mentoring group for men, the Arrowhead Society, that focuses on building strong relational connections, developing leaders, and innovative cultural moments.


Michelle Sanchez
Michelle Sanchez is Executive Minister of Make and Deepen Disciples for the ECC. Her dream is to foster a multiethnic movement of disciples who make disciples across all ages. Prior to this role, Michelle served as Pastor of Christian Formation and Mission at Highrock Covenant Church in the Boston area, ministered to international students in New York City with Cru, and worked as an investment banker for Goldman, Sachs & Co. Michelle earned an M.Div. and Th.M. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, an international business degree from New York University (NYU), and certification in spiritual direction from Boston College.

We Want to Hear From You

As we develop Embrace, we hope to receive feedback from diverse voices, especially with regard to existing resources or experiences which you have found to be helpful and effective. Feel free to connect with us anytime at embrace@covchurch.org.

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