A Ministry of Make and Deepen Disciples

TREK at Harbor Covenant, Gig Harbor, Washington

Michael White, Senior Pastor, Harbor Covenant Church

Several years ago, our church became increasingly aware of a major demographic shift to a boomers and beyond population in the nation and within our church. This reality stimulated questions as to how our church could come alongside these 65+ persons to stimulate moving from living a life of success to living a life of significance.

A leadership team dreamed and developed a ministry that would follow God’s leading to serve and engage this growing population as they navigated the second half of life. Naming the ministry TREK, the leadership team committed to building a community of fun-loving people who enjoy being together as well as encouraging relationships with each other and with God. The four TREK cornerstones were Outreach, Recreation, Service and Enrichment.

Gatherings were created to build community and achieve the ministry goals and cornerstones.

Examples include:

  • “TREK Talk” offered helpful resources and information about estate and care planning,
  • outings to nearby museums and wildlife parks drew people together for fun times.
  • work parties and yard work parties were scheduled to help persons inside and outside the church,
  • the “Happy Feet” project provided new shoes for local schools to distribute to children in need in the community, and
  • the TREK Get-Away Weekend Excursions offered lots of fun and relational building moments.

During the coming year, TREK will focus energies and efforts on engaging persons in ways that will encourage them to flourish and bear abundant fruit by offering their wisdom, skills and resources during what may be their most exciting time in life.