
A Ministry of Make and Deepen Disciples

Crescendo Resources

Crescendo: Mentoring Small Group Study

The Crescendo: Mentoring Small Group Study begins with an overview of mentoring and an explanation of the difference between mentoring and coaching. Throughout the study’s five sessions, you will explore mentoring relationships in the Bible, including Jesus as the ultimate mentor. The closing session provides mentoring guidelines and tips.

This study is designed for a target audience of boomers and beyond, but it can also be used with a broader age group. It is designed for small groups, but you may choose to use it for individual study or for a large group setting with smaller breakout sessions.

Crescendo: An Ascent to Vital Living Study Guide

This study is based on a framework for ministry to, with, and by boomers and older adults presented in Crescendo. This study is designed with small groups in mind, but you may choose to use it for individual study or a large group settling with smaller breakout sessions. Each session consists of four parts, based on the elements of Christian worship: gathering, word, response, and sending. The sessions are designed for small or large groups and can be completed within a 90-minute time frame.

Recommended Reading List


Crescendo: An Ascent to Vital Living

(September 2017 rerelease of Regenerating Generations) by Alan Forsman and Evelyn Johnson with Contributors Debbie C. Blue and Reji Laberje

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Learn to Grow Old

1972 (republished in 1983 and 1991) by Paul Tournier

Life Reimagined

Life Reimagined: Discovering Your New Life Possibilities

Sep 6, 2013, by Richard J. Leider and Alan M. Webber

Shaping a Life of Significance for Retirement

Shaping a Life of Significance for Retirement

Jan 1, 2010, by Jack Hansen and Jerry P Haas

Growing Older Gracefully

The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully

Sep 1, 2010, by Joan Chittister

Third Calling: What are you doing the rest of your life?

August 2016, by Richard and Leona Bergstrom

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