Middle East North Africa

Middle East North Africa

Middle East North Africa (MENA)

The Middle East North Africa (MENA) region is a predominately Arab Culture group of countries (apart from Israel) including over 300 million people. This is the region where Jesus walked the earth and where the early church was born. In terms of what is communicated through the news this is a desperate and often dark part of our world, but this is not an adequate picture. The image of God is alive and well in the people of this region. They demonstrate hospitality in ways that we can’t begin to imagine. So too, the Spirit of God is alive and working in the region. There is an openness to the Gospel that many long-time workers have not previously seen. There is a movement of indigenous churches growing throughout the region and in places where one would not image this to be the case. The ECC is seeking to join Kingdom work that is happening through focused ministry areas and local partners.

Religious Persecution with a focus on the suffering church

Religious Persecution with a focus on the suffering church

Muslim Engagement

Muslim Engagement

Ministry to Refugees

Ministry to Refugees

Peace and Reconciliation with a focus on Israel-Palestine

Peace and Reconciliation with a focus on Israel-Palestine

Global Personnel in MENA

*Staff serving in this region are not be listed on the website due to security concerns. Contact Serve Globally for more information.