Lycée Vanette

Lycee Vanette

When you educate a girl, you educate a nation.

In many parts of the developing world, education means empowerment, and it is a privilege, not a right. Lycée Vanette, a secondary school in the D.R. Congo, began with funds from the Women Ministries Educate the Girls project. The school equips 120+ Congolese girls to be future leaders of their communities, churches, and schools.

Believing that education of girls is the most effective way to address systemic poverty, Women Ministries continues to work to expand opportunity for Congolese girls through the doorway of education.

The first class of girls was enrolled in fall of 2012 and they will graduate in July 2017. It is our prayer that education and ongoing learning opportunities will empower girls to overcome crushing poverty and rise to become leaders of their communities, churches and their nation.

Inspiration Events

Meet the Class