Being formed into the likeness of Christ cannot take place in isolation. We need companions for the journey to help guide and nurture our faith, to help us discern God’s movement in our lives. This brochure includes information about spiritual direction in the Evangelical Covenant Church and a listing of regional contact persons who can talk further with you and possibly connect you with a spiritual director in your area.

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This booklet provides specific information about each of the available “Vision Trips” Covenant World Mission offers in which pastors and lay leaders have the opportunity to visit several Covenant international ministry sites.

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CR-MomentMoment to Moment: An Invitation to Prayer is a guided prayer experience offering extended time and space for God. In the midst of an overly busy and increasingly demanding world, the nourishment of a rich and varied prayer life too often becomes a rarity, even a luxury.

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What does the Bible have to say about God, sin, Jesus, the sacraments, the Holy Spirit, and the church? These are just a few of the twenty-six formational footholds of faith explored through this new disciple-forming resource for small groups, mentors, and individual devotions. Both youth and adults can benefit from Rock Solid.

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The biblical view of stewardship applies to every Christian and every area of life. This eight-session Bible study attempts to broaden and deepen our understanding of this important topic.

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This devotional guide is meant to aid you in your spiritual journey. Written by Covenanters, it is based on Scripture and seeks to relate biblical truth to everyday experiences.

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This resource offers a variety of ways in which to share our stories with others to encourage a life of faith, mission, and love.

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Ready to go deeper? Spiritual practices have long been a way for us to be first “in God” so we might go further in mission. While all include a reflective dimension, all are also active. They are meant to help us be attentive to God’s loving and abiding presence and to find within this space…

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The Sankofa journey, an intentional, cross-racial prayer journey, seeks to assist disciples of Christ on their move towards a righteous response to the social ills related to racism.

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