Identity: Preventative Care

Sustaining Pastoral Excellence | The Sustaining Pastoral Excellence initiative maintains a list of Covenant spiritual directors and reference to spiritual directors outside of the denomination. The initiative also offers cohort trainings in developing ministry competencies as well as for renewing and revisioning one’s ministry.

Vocational Assessment | Through both Covenant Orientation and North Park Theological Seminary, we offer access to a vocational assessment designed to assist those entering the ministry process to identify strengths and refine focus.

Vocational Excellence | Vocational Excellence is a five-day seminar on pastoral boundaries and ethics which includes a vocational assessment component and is offered several times a year across the denomination. A one-day overview is offered to North Park Theological Seminary students through the “Connecting” class.

Enneagram Assessment | A one-day workshop for church pastors and leadership teams on effective working relationships which utilizes the Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales can be requested for your church site.

Getaways and Retreats | A referral list of no-cost/low-cost getaways for pastors, couples, and families is available below. Referrals to retreats for pastors’ spouses. Currently, these listings are for only wives of pastors who are not themselves in credentialed ministry. We are actively looking for similar resources for the husbands of women in vocational ministry.

Also, you can do a search for Catholic retreat centers as there are many available that are great for a personal retreat.