Gather 2019 Resources

Gather 2019 Resources

About Gather 2019

The Annual Meeting is the highest legislative session in the Evangelical Covenant Church.

Every congregation is entitled to representation as we worship God and celebrate what God has done throughout the year. We gather to discern future direction, select leaders, consecrate missionaries, credential and ordain clergy and encourage one another to greater discipleship. We make determinations around funding the mission, and we hear about the challenges and opportunities in front of us. In it all, we get to meet new friends and strengthen old relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions about the ECC Executive Board Recommendation to Remove First Covenant Church of Minneapolis from the Roster of Covenant Churches

The Covenant Executive Board brought a recommendation to remove First
Covenant Church of Minneapolis from the roster of Covenant churches, having found
FCCM to be out of harmony with the Evangelical Covenant Church regarding human
sexuality and pastoral credentialing.

The Covenant Executive Board and the ECC are mindful of the gravity, complexity,
sensitivity and pain that matters of human sexuality can bring and of the weighty
considerations to our community. The ECC affirms that all people are made in the image
of God and are therefore valuable and loved by God. As a church, we welcome everyone
and treat all with dignity. Our commitment is to lead with love and to continually seek
deeper ways to care for people with greater understanding, compassion and sensitivity.

This document seeks to respectfully address some of the questions and comments
we have received.

—The Executive Committee of the Covenant Executive Board

Download the pdf version here.

1) What is the center of the Covenant’s position on human sexuality?

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The Covenant is a union of churches that have mutually agreed to partner together. We have agreed to “Covenant” together. The Covenant Annual Meeting is the highest constituted authority in the ECC. Action at a previous Covenant Annual Meeting established the following biblically derived ethic as the center of the ECC’s position on human sexuality: “Heterosexual marriage, faithfulness within marriage, abstinence outside of marriage—these constitute the Christian standard. When we fall short, we are invited to repent, receive the forgiveness of God, and amend our lives.”

The Annual Meeting further determined that “The ECC position serves as 1) our guiding statement on human sexuality and the marriage ethic and 2) the basis for ECC policy, practices, and guidelines on these matters.”

In serving as the basis for ECC policy, practices, and guidelines, touchpoints for relevant instructions and expectations may be found in the following: Ethical Principles for Those Serving in Vocational Ministry in the ECC; personal ordination vows (which promise adherence to the ethical principles); and Guidelines for Covenant Pastors and Congregations Regarding Human Sexuality.

As noted in the guidelines, “The ECC affirms that God’s boundaries, whatever the dimension of life, are meant for our flourishing…There is no intent to single out select behavior. It is a high calling to every one of us: single, married, young, old, both genders, all orientations.” When understood correctly, the ECC position addresses each of us.

2) In what areas is FCCM out of harmony?

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 The Executive Board has determined that FCCM is out of harmony by contravening the ECC in five areas:

  1. The ECC’s standard of marriage by eliminating its heterosexual nature;
  2. The ECC’s prohibition of clergy officiating and participating at same-sex weddings;
  3. The ECC’s requirement that clergy adhere to a personal behavioral standard of celibacy in singleness and faithfulness in heterosexual marriage;
  4. The ECC’s expectation that congregations refrain from hosting same-sex weddings and related events; and
  5. The determination of the Board of the Ordered Ministry by locally credentialing a pastor whose ECC credential was suspended for cause.

3) Can we be assured this recommendation is being made only after exhaustive engagement with FCCM?

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We love First Covenant Church of Minneapolis. We love FCCM’s concern and care for LGBTQ+ individuals and communities, as well as other ministries in their community. We share this concern and agree that LTBTQ+ people have been hurt and marginalized for too long by the Church.

We have included a timeline in the delegate notebook that details all the steps taken in this process dating back to 2014 and recounts the extensive efforts by both the Northwest Conference and the ECC to, using the language of the ECC Bylaws, “steer the congregation back into harmony.” Despite extensive interaction, FCCM has asserted its opposition to adhering to the areas identified above.

In the midst of this challenging season, we believe it is important to reiterate our concern for LGBTQ+ people. The Evangelical Covenant Church, being grounded in the historical doctrine of human sexuality, is firmly committed to growing in our ability to love and affirm all people as being created in God’s image and loved by God.

4) Can we be assured this recommendation is based on a thorough process, consistent with Bylaw provisions?

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Yes. In addition to the interactions referenced in the timeline to steer the congregation into harmony, the Bylaws call for two independent and separate reviews, one by the regional Conference Executive Board and another by the CEB. The Northwest Conference Executive Board consists of 11 voting members, elected by the Annual Meeting of the conference. The CEB consists of 30 voting members, elected by the ECC Annual Meeting, and includes four voting liaison members from other ECC boards. FCCM exercised its right to defend itself to each board. Each of these boards independently and separately concluded FCCM to be out of harmony.

You may read the CEB decision here.

5) Isn’t human sexuality a non-salvific matter over which ECC churches can disagree?

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Matters of importance fall into more categories than simply salvific or non-salvific. The Covenant Confession of Faith recognizes the dimensions of faith, doctrine and practice, reading, “The Evangelical Covenant Church confesses that the Holy Scripture, the Old and the New Testament, is the Word of God and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine, and conduct.” Scripture identifies sexual practice as an important ethical matter of conduct that is vital to holiness and discipleship.

The report of the Executive Board also contains a discussion of this specific matter.

6) What about Covenant freedom?

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Freedom in the Covenant is a cherished value. Yet freedom also carries responsibilities as noted in the Preamble to the Covenant Constitution, which says, “The Evangelical Covenant Church embraces this freedom in Christ as a gift that preserves personal conviction, yet guards against an individualism that disregards the centrality of the word of God and the mutual responsibilities and disciplines of the spiritual community.” As referenced above, the ECC has articulated certain responsibilities and disciplines in this matter. Freedom of conviction is preserved, but action remains subject to those responsibilities and disciplines.

7) What about unity?

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We care deeply about community, and unity is indeed a high value in the ECC. We agree that at all times, we must, as Ephesians 4:3 says, “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

The Covenant does not often speak definitively, but it does speak when a lack of clarity magnifies confusion that can threaten unity. For example, the Covenant Affirmations are the result of a desire for a clarified and gravitational description of Covenant identity during a tense period concerning theological direction. Similarly, the Covenant sought to bring clarity to baptismal practices, and later to the participation of women at all levels of church life and leadership. Likewise, the Annual Meeting asked for greater clarity around human sexuality for the sake of unified mission.

When the ECC speaks, it does n
ot speak capriciously. A discerned Covenant position is derived through the deliberation and action of the Annual Meeting, at which delegate representation from every congregation is available.

8) How does our Pietist heritage relate to this process?

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Pietism is the spiritual renewal movement out of which the ECC was birthed. This heritage honors the authority of Scripture, recaptures the importance of a warm, living and deeply personal faith, extends God’s love to the world and respects our interaction with one another. It is intrinsic and indispensable to our ongoing identity. The ECC is committed to our Pietist heritage and its influence in arriving at duly derived and discerned positions and practices of the ECC. In this matter, it informs the dimensions of freedom, responsibility and unity that are addressed in the questions above.

9) What are the larger implications of this vote for our polity and communal life together?

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When a congregation joins the Evangelical Covenant Church, it enters into the provisions which govern our common life, including the provision that the Annual Meeting is the highest constituted authority of the ECC. The Annual Meeting is where delegates (eligible from all churches) together discern items considered to be vital and differentiating for our common life. The Annual Meeting has spoken plainly on this matter.

Just as a pastor’s credential is not one’s own but rather extended in trust by the Covenant which both authorizes and limits aspects of its use, so a church’s membership is not an inevitable right to minister under the auspices of the ECC in ways contradictory to adopted ECC positions.

If a church is consciously able to flagrantly adopt and practice the opposite of Annual Meeting decisions without accountability, while claiming to do ministry under the auspices of the ECC, the ECC loses its ability to govern itself and define itself. By extension, additional churches on this and any other matter could be emboldened to likewise locally nullify duly adopted ECC matters. The ECC at that point ceases to be a Church with order and accountability and instead becomes an ungovernable entity with no communally discerned standards and no ability to distinguish its own identity.

Conversely, as previously identified, any church may choose to voluntarily withdraw if it considers the expectations of the common life of the ECC to constrain its conscience or practice. Voluntary withdrawal can preserve relationships when pursued with mutual respect and grace.

10) How is this different from disagreement about women in ministry? What about churches who will not call a female pastor?

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The ECC affirms women as called and gifted to all levels of leadership and affirms a biblical basis for the full participation of women in all ministries of the church. This decision dates to 1976. Because it did represent a change, the ECC did not mandate immediate compliance but instead set on a path to increase congruency over time. This is not an assessment of that approach but rather a description of how this decision was implemented. We lament the inconsistency of resources and advocacy that has meant many women have not been treated with the same dignity, value and respect as their male counterparts.

The resolve to progress is present. The ECC has turned away churches who sought membership in the ECC but who were not aligned with the ECC’s communally discerned position on women in ministry. Some ECC churches have voluntarily withdrawn because they were not in alignment. The ECC has turned down potential church planters who were not in alignment. Some pastors of established churches have been ineligible for ordination or have had their ordination delayed until satisfactory alignment could be demonstrated.

There may be some old church constitutions and bylaws that still speak in male-oriented language, but often these are found in historic churches that have not spent time updating their governing documents – evidence of inaction rather defiance. Superintendents actively work with churches to update governing documents when these incongruities are discovered.

Some churches are still growing in their practice of including women at all levels of leadership. Over time, in each case, these churches are growing toward greater inclusion, not away from alignment. None are publicly denigrating the ECC position. In contrast, the ECC has only ever held one position on human sexuality and has only ever prohibited officiating at same sex weddings.

Though we are heartened by the trajectory of the number of women in pastoral ministry, we remain realistic about the work in front of us. We acknowledge that we have a lot of growing to do when it comes to ensuring called and gifted women have places to serve, especially women experiencing calls to lead pastor positions. We are committed to increasing growth and advocacy across the denomination in this area, which is vital for the benefit of the whole Covenant church.

11) Isn’t a motion to remove a church from the roster unprecedented?

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It may be unprecedented, but that does not mean it is unanticipated. The very inclusion of provisions in the Bylaws for this action anticipates a circumstance for removal could arise.

The unprecedented nature is bi-directional. The uniqueness of the recommendation by the board is matched by the distinctiveness of the church in opting for this step.

Covenant Bylaws outline two prior options, which have been the normative way of approaching stressed relationships between a congregation, its regional conference and the ECC. The first is deep and earnest engagement with the conference and the ECC, which results in “steering back into harmony.” As the timeline shows, this route was engaged extensively between FCCM, the Northwest Conference and the ECC, but ultimately the breach was not restored as FCCM has asserted its opposition.

The second route is the voluntary withdrawal of a church from the ECC roster where a congregation, for reasons of its own—including differences of conscience with the ECC—chooses to pursue its own future apart from the ECC. In this path, a congregation is free to pursue its own future, with all its assets, unencumbered by ECC requirements and expectations. This pathway was not chosen by FCCM.

12) Could FCCM apply for membership at a later date if removed from the roster?

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Yes, subject to considerations for ECC compatibility as applicable to all new and adopting churches.

13) Given this recommendation, can the Covenant really say it cares about LGBTQ+ people?

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We understand that churches, including ECC congregations, have hurt and wounded the LGBTQ+ community, family and friends. We share a deep concern for LGBTQ+ individuals and communities who have been hurt and marginalized for too long by many Christian communities. Our posture in the ECC is to lament and to do better.

We take seriously our commitment to offer pastoral care to anyone regardless of race, gender, creed, ethnic origin, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation. We do not hold this posture as a retrenchment from ministry but as a context from which we extend the love and grace of Christ. Indeed, the ECC has worked intentionally to equip pastors and churches. The ECC’s Embrace materials are a suite of human sexuali
ty discipleship resources and learning experiences curated and created by the ECC’s Make and Deepen Disciples ministry area.

We know we have more to do and learn. We will continue to encounter new situations never anticipated, new complexities never envisioned, and new insights from new interactions. And so the ECC will keep moving toward loving better.

What if there are more questions?

We invite anyone to e-mail with additional questions. As more questions come in, this FAQ may continue to be updated.

Featured Resources from Embrace

Embrace is a suite of human sexuality discipleship resources and learning experiences created and curated by the Make and Deepen Disciples team. A special emphasis of Embrace is equipping churches to flourish in love for LGBTQ+ people.

Find these resources and more at

Embrace: Featured Books

People to Be Loved: Why Homosexuality is Not Just an Issue
By Dr. Preston Sprinkle

In the midst of contemporary debates about homosexuality, Christians are looking for resources that are based solidly on a thorough study of what Scripture says. In People to Be Loved, Dr. Preston Sprinkle takes this deep dive into the Scriptures, rigorously engages with diverse interpretations, and ultimately upholds the validity of the traditional sexual ethic…

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Leading a Church in a Time of Sexual Questioning
By: Bruce B. Miller

In a time when sexual norms are changing rapidly, how can a local church be a place of grace—a loving community for all kinds of people—where everyone can flourish and disagreements are overcome in a Christlike spirit while at the same time stay true to biblical standards?

In a way that appeals to pastors and lay leaders alike, Bruce offers a biblical theology of sexuality and provides practical wisdom for how a church can approach ministering to, and alongside, people who identify their sexuality in diverse ways: LGBTQ+. Here is a church-tested program full of wise pastoral insights to help church leaders think through day-to-day decisions…

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Embrace: Featured Webinars


Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones
With Bill Henson

For this webinar, we spoke with Bill Henson the founder and president of Lead Them Home and the creator of the nationally leading Posture Shift Seminar. Bill gave us a sneak peak into his fully updated resource: Guiding Families of LGBT+ Loved Ones: Second Edition. This and other resources can be found online at

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Race, Sexuality, and Intersectionality
With Branden S. Polk

For this webinar, we spoke with Branden S. Polk and dialogued around the questions of: What is the experience of people of color in the LGBT+ community? What are some of the unique points of struggle for LGBT+ ethnic minorities who also adhere to historic, Christian teaching about marriage and sexuality? How can our cultural backgrounds also be a source of empowerment?.

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Who God Says You Are: Christian Identity & Human Sexuality
With Klyne Snodgrass

For this webinar, we spoke with Dr. Klyne Snodgrass, professor emeritus of New Testament at North Park Theological Seminary (NPTS), about our God-given identity and how our identity impacts every aspect of our lives including sexual practice.

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Embrace: Featured Resource Papers

God, the Bible, and Human Sexuality: A Response to Revisionist Readings
By the Biblical Faculty of North Park Theological Seminary

In cooperation with the Make and Deepen Disciples mission priority of the ECC, the biblical faculty of North Park Theological Seminary have endeavored to write a clear, user-friendly commentary and interpretation on the texts of the Bible that explicitly address same-sex sexual relations. This paper also engages with and responds to a number of recent revisionist readings of the biblical texts, ultimately undergirding the traditional sexual ethic of the historic church and the ECC. We are grateful to these Covenant scholars for devoting their time and effort to complete this work for the edification and flourishing of our church.

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Finding Common Ground on LGBTQ+ Ministry
By Randall Wilkins with contributions from Make and Deepen Disciples and a feedback team

Rooted in the values expressed in our six Covenant affirmations, the Evangelical Covenant Church has historically sought to find common ground on areas where many Christians have been divided. In light of this heritage, a diverse group of Covenanters (initially spearheaded by Pastor Randall Wilkens) developed a list of suggested ways in which we might find common ground in our ministry with and to LGBTQ+ people. This document is not meant to be an “official” statement or resolution of the ECC, but we do believe it can serve as a starting point for conversations on how we can all tangibly excel in love for LGBTQ+ people.

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