Stewardship is living our faith. It is living faithfully in response to the word of God, especially as it is proclaimed in the corporate worship of the triune God. It is acknowledging that all of creation – the earth, scripture, our time, relationships, talents, possessions – that is, every good thing, comes out of God’s original abundance in creation, and is a gift of which we are caretakers. We are stewards of God’s grace every day. We hope that here, you will be encouraged to practice daily, life stewardship, both in you and in your congregation.

Stewardship ministry invites people into a transformational journey, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in which we are being set free by Christ to love God and all God loves, to trust fully, to serve and give generously, to care for others, and to advance God’s work in the world.

The Stewardship Commission’s mission is to equip God’s people in becoming effective whole-life stewards that they may be faithful and generous givers of their time, talent, and treasures for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

Our vision is to see people transformed more into the likeness of Christ through the spiritual disciplines of whole-life stewardship to freely serve the Lord with their time, talent, and treasure.

  • To learn about upcoming stewardship events, click here or about the stewardship commission, click here.
  • Read and comment on the Generosity and Stewardship Resolution draft here. The resolution was presented at the Annual Meeting in June 2012. We value your thoughtful comments and insights!
They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share… so they may take hold of the life that really is life. – 1 Timothy 6:18, 19b