
Please contact Bethany Benefit Service as soon as any changes in your dependents’ eligibility occurs. Newborns are not automatically added to your policy when they are born. Notice of a change must be received within sixty days.

Dependent additions (newborns, adoptions, and marriages)

Newborn children are eligible as dependents the day they are born. Adopted children are eligible as dependents the day cardholders receive legal custody over them. Newly married spouses of cardholders are eligible the day of marriage.

To add dependents, complete the addition form found here. If notice of dependent eligibility is not received within sixty days, your dependent will be ineligible to elect benefits until our open enrollment date of January 1.

Dependents through age 25 are eligible

All children are eligible for benefits until they turn age twenty-six. Bethany Benefit Service will send a letter to your home a few months in advance to remind you that your child will be removed from your policy and continuation of coverage is available. Your child may purchase continuation of coverage for up to thirty-six months after his/her twenty-sixth birthday if elected within sixty days of cancellation.

Disabled dependents

If you have a disabled child age twenty-six or older who is your legal dependent, please request a Disabled Dependent Certification form from Bethany Benefit Service to qualify for continuous coverage on your family health insurance plan.

It is your responsibility to notify Bethany Benefit Service of a change in your child’s eligibility. Please notify Bethany Benefit Service in writing if you would like to remove your child from your family plan before their twenty-sixth birthday or if your disabled child is no longer your dependent.