Commission on Biblical Gender Equality
The Commission on Biblical Gender Equality exists within the church as a voice and advocate for continued progress in this story. The commission exists to educate people in biblical equality regarding gender; to advocate for justice in the structure of the church regarding gender; to equip the church to articulate the truth about Biblical equality regarding gender; and to advocate for the modeling of women in ministry and leadership in all possible venues within the church.
- Check out the Commission’s blog and stay connected! (visit here)
- Learn more in our commission description (download here)
- Learn more about Advocates for Covenant Clergy Women (click here)
Contact the Commission on Biblical Gender Equality: ministry(at)
Covenant Resources
A Biblical & Theological Basis for Women in Ministry, Occasional Paper This eight-page paper was written ten years after the Evangelical Covenant Church voted to ordain women (in 1976), in order to put the arguments on paper.
All God’s People: An Exploration of the Call of Women to Pastoral Ministry This study approaches the issue of women in ministry with a wide-angle lens instead of with a laser focused on particular passages of scripture, though it is certainly biblically solid.
Called and Gifted Material This booklet “reaffirms the biblical basis for the full participation of women in the ministries of the church.” It is presented in a question-and-answer format and designed specifically for use in Covenant churches.
Called and Gifted Study Guides This study takes people on a personal journey of learning where their own view of women in ministry came from, understanding principles of interpreting scripture, and then a careful examining of many relevant passages.
Guest and Supply Preaching List This resource is provided in an effort to allow Covenanter’s to experience the wealth of Christian insight provided by the preaching gifts of women clergy.
Summer to Wonder This narrative is a discussion of the role of women leaders in the church that tells of two college students that spend a summer thinking, praying, reading in order to discern their view on women in church leadership.
Women in Ministry: A Companion Bible Study In eight sessions, this study examines the biblical support to make a case for the full participation of women in every aspect of ministry.
Women in Ministry Articles This collection of articles (from The Covenant Quarterly, May 2009) is a continuation of the dialogue on women in ministry in the Covenant.