Our Approach

The Evangelical Covenant Church provides a nurturing environment that walks potential church planters through the church planting process. Together, from the first conversation to the formation of a thriving church body, our goal is to plant strong Covenant churches that will bear kingdom fruit for many generations.

“Every generation needs a fresh and compelling expression of the good news.”

Our aim is to launch churches with the right people, in the right context, with the right support. Our church planters are not alone in this process! We shepherd them so that they might start strong and lead well.

After pre-assessment conversations with regional directors of church planting, candidates and
their spouses engage in a discernment process that carefully explores call, timing, spiritual gifts, emotional health, and the strategic viability of the proposed church project. The process culminates with a Covenant agreement, which is largely based on the tested methodology of the “four-stage church plant launch.” The agreement describes the plan for the first year of the church plant.