Immerse: The Reading Bible is a six-volume, specially-formatted Bible created with one goal in mind: to provide the best Bible reading experience possible. By reading together twice a year, your church can read through all six volumes—the entire Bible—in three years. Then, start again! With Immerse, you can make the Bible central to your church’s identity and life together.

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The Unite curriculum is a way for your whole church to join a journey of discipleship around five specific biblical purposes: strengthening and being the church, our call to be disciples, loving mercy and doing justice, serving globally, and being servant leaders. This six-week journey focuses on our CHIC theme of “unite.”

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What does the Bible have to say about God, sin, Jesus, the sacraments, the Holy Spirit, and the church? These are just a few of the twenty-six formational footholds of faith explored through this new disciple-forming resource for small groups, mentors, and individual devotions. Both youth and adults can benefit from Rock Solid.

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Based on the Covenant Resource Paper: The Evangelical Covenant Church and the Bible, this small group resource will help readers deepen their understanding of God’s word and foster their relationship with God through exploration of five key methods of reading God’s word, along with three essential commitments.

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